FIWAJC! Anime Challenge
Your chance to win Akemi's Anime Junk!
Welcome to the home of the Fabulous Intermittent Win Akemi's Junk Challenge! That's FIWAJC for short, pronounced... however you want, really, since I can't think of anything.

Here's how it works: Periodically (see, it's called "intermittent" so we don't have to be specific) we will announce a Challenge for readers. Note the capital C--this isn't just any challenge. It may be a preposterously easy trivia question, it may be a preposterously difficult trivia question, it may be a scavenger hunt, or it may be something fantastically stupid, but whatever it is, those who meet the criteria for whatever the Challenge is win their choice of anything from the Fabulous Prize Bucket (aka, the anime-filled garbage can).
The stuff may not be worth anything, but they're prizes, so that means they're awesome. Because prizes are awesome! For a complete list of currently available prizes and past winners, look no further than the prize bucket.
Current Challenge: None
There is currently no Challenge underway, but check back next month to see if we've got a new challenge for you!
Assorted fine-print details
The criteria for an entry and number allowed per person will be announced along with the Challenge. Entries must be sent using the web form on this page, and must be submitted before the Challenge deadline; we are not responsible for entries that are lost or misdirected for some reason. Challenge is open to human beings and any other sentient species capable of typing coherently in English, aged 13 or older, living in the United States or Canada, unless prohibited by law where you live; if you are legally a minor (generally under the age of 18, may vary by species or jurisdiction), you must have the written permission of a parent or guardian to enter--we'll ask for it if you win. The information we collect for this Challenge will not be retained after the winner has been selected--it will never be sold or given to anybody. Prizes have no functional monetary value--that's why it's Akemi's Junk, after all--but if there are some sort of taxes or fees that your area requires you to pay, they're your responsibility, not ours. We attempt to contact the selected winner, but if we can't get ahold of him, her, or it within one week of the end of the contest, we will select another winner. If that winner can't be reached within another week, we'll try again. If that winner can't be reached within a week, then it's sort of ridiculous, so nobody wins. This contest is considered to be just for fun--if you enter, you're agreeing not to sue us regardless of what happens. Results will be posted on this site, linked from this page. We can't afford to have a lawyer write this stuff, so seriously, please don't sue us. It would make Akemi sad and almost certainly result in some sort of Karmic penalty in your next life.