Ghost Stories Anime Content Guide
Ghosts, spirits, and otherworldly specters are sometimes scary, sometimes helpful, and sometimes silly. Whatever the form of the non-corporeal beings, these anime guarantee the temptation of a Sixth Sense reference.
- Fake (
/ OVA)
- Ghost Hound (
/ TV Show)
- Ghost Sweeper Mikami (
/ TV Series)
- Haunted Junction (
/ TV Series)
- Memories - Reader Review (
/ Movie of shorts)
- NightWalker (
/ TV Series)
- Phantom Quest Corp. (
/ OVA)
- Urusei Yatsura (
/ TV Series)
- Vampire Princess Miyu (
/ OVA)
- Vampire Princess Miyu (TV) (
/ TV Series)
- Weathering Continent (
/ Movie)