Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Anime Review

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
/ TV Series / Comedy / 13-up
Bottom Line
Crazy plots + perfect comedic timing = hilarity.
It’s Like...
...Full Metal Panic minus the serious and with the humor cranked up two notches.
Vital Stats
Original Title
フルメタル・パニック? ふもっふ
Romanized Title
Furumetaru Panikku? Fumoffu
Literal Translation
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
US Release By
High School Paramilitary Comedy
Series Type
TV Series
12 25-minute episodes
Production Date
2003-08-25 to 2003-11-18
What's In It
Look For
- Gun Nuts and the Girls Who Love Them
- Literal Girl Hunting
- Hotsprings, Commando Style
- Romance... Commando Style
Objectionable Content
- Violence: 2 (moderate)
- Nudity: 2 (moderate)
- Sex: 2 (moderate)
- Language: 2 (moderate)
Plot Synopsis
The Full Metal Panic gang is back in school and making more trouble than ever. Although things have settled down to a "normal" life, between Sosuke's misguided (and usually highly destructive) attempts at keeping the school grounds safe at the behest of the mysterious student council, Chidori doing her best to smack Sosuke into something resembling a normal human being, and the rest of their wild and wacky classmates going about their business, every day is a new self-inflicted adventure.
Quick Review
Switch to Full ReviewFumoffu is Full Metal Panic done differently, and in my opinion done right. This direct sequel to the first two seasons forsakes any pretense of drama and throws itself full-on into the chaos that Sosuke's brutally efficient take on a wide variety of classic schoolyard situations begs to unleash. It may do nothing to explain the wide-open storyline, but Fumoffu's willingness to take situations one step too far, its absolutely dead-on comedic timing, and a growing cast of wacky characters is an effective recipe for hilarity. The amazing Japanese voice cast ties it all together, and the visuals, though a step down from the original, are still more than adequate.
Be prepared for a disappointing lack of any explanation of the mysteries of MITHRIL and the Whispered, but by focusing on the humor I thought was the original's strong point, this sequel serves up a bust-a-gut funny chunk of anime.
Related Recommendations
The schoolyard craziness is probably most reminiscent of GTO, though a variety of other series share aspects--Jubei-chan (for the comic timing), Urusei Yatsura (the ultimate school-is-war comedy), and even Ranma 1/2 (of which this features some hilarious parodies) and maybe harem-type shows like Negima. Daphne in the Brilliant Blue has a notably similar mean-spirited sense of humor, and Gokudo also deserves a nod, mainly for its similar unwillingness to let sentiment get even a foothold before being violently stomped down.
Notes and Trivia
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu is a direct sequel to the original 26-episode Full Metal Panic TV series; it is in turn followed by the more serious Full Metal Panic: Second Raid, which continues the main plot of the first series.
Full Metal Panic is based on a series of light novels by Shoji Gatoh; there is also a manga adaptation by Retsu Tateo and a number of lengthy manga sequels and various spin-offs. The plots of the anime, interestingly, match up directly with the original manga adaptation, but where the manga mixed the serious fare and wacky characters from the beginning, most of the craziest folks (like the student council) didn't appear in the first anime series, making this their screen debut.
Several of the early episodes are broken up into two parts, each with its own sub-title. As shown on Fuji TV there were only 11 episodes due to a kidnapping plot in the show coinciding with some unpleasant news stories at the time it aired; the 2nd half of the first episode (Passing Hostility) and the 1st half of the 2nd (Uncompromising Hostage) were omitted, leaving the other half of those two episodes to make up the first as-shown. The missing episode was included on the DVD release in both Japan and the US.
Footnote 1: It even beats the former record-holder in my book, GTO.
US DVD Review
ADV's DVDs, in addition to the usual, bump the English audio track up to 5.1 channels, and include clean opening and closing animation, Japanese TV commercials, art galleries, and "The Mysteries of FUMOFFU" booklets.
Funimation has since released a "remastered" edition, which theoretically improves the quality of the video, though it doesn't appear to add much in the way of audio mix or special features.
Funimation also has a 2-disc blu-ray set with approximately the same features and presentation. Unlike the other two Full Metal Panic series, however, Fumoffu wasn't produced in high-definition, so the BD version is not widescreen and, while it is encoded as 1080p, this is just upscaled from a standard-def master. To Funimation's credit, the specs on the back of the box state this explicitly. They appear to have used a very good edge-finding interpolation scheme that works well with cel art, so the video doesn't look at all fuzzy, it just lacks detail (if you're familiar with fancier upscaling interpolators for emulated 8-bit video games, it looks similar). The BD release is also very reasonably priced--essentially the same as the budget-priced DVD set--so if you have a blu-ray player there's no reason not to get it.
Parental Guide
Occasional bursts of dirty humor earned a 15-up from ADV and a less-strict TV-PG from Funimation, which I would call equivalent to 13-up.
Violence: 2 - Some bits are humorously brutal.
Nudity: 2 - Does its best with well-placed "interference," but there's a fair amount of skin of both sexes.
Sex/Mature Themes: 2 - Quite raunchy at times.
Language: 2 - There is some rough language, although several scenes feature a hail of machinegun "bleeps" to add to the comedy.
Available in North America from Funimation on bilingual DVD, as a "Remastered Complete Collection," and on bilingual Blu-ray, which is upscaled to non-widescreen HD (it was not originally produced in high-def). Previously available from ADV, first as 4 individual bilingual DVDs, 3 episodes each, then as a thinpak complete collection or the "Heavy Metal" collection that also includes the first Full Metal Panic series.
It's also available streamed, free, from Funimation on Youtube and elsewhere.
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