2004 What's New
Nov 02, 2004
Bad news: I'm lazy. Good news: Not as lazy as it would seem; currently in the process of refreshing all the old reviews and converting them to the new format. Since the quality of the writing at this site has improved at least some over the past four years, everything is getting at least a minor refresh (overly terse reviews from the early days fleshed out some, and overly long ones trimmed down), and some reviews have been almost completely re-done. Several almost-finished new reviews will be on the way in short order as well, including Ghost in the Shell 2, Cool Couple, a couple of Ghibli movies, and all three Full Metal Panic seasons. Oh, yes, and images. Look for em.
On an unrelated side note, this being Election Day in the USA, I encourage all our readers who are of age to get out and vote. For anybody. Just to prove you exist in a political sense. Heck, write in Zelgadis if you think he'd do a better job than any of the available candidates--just show the world that you're not going to sit there and let other people do the deciding for you. The election in 2000 was decided by less people than will see this message today, after all.
The same goes for all our other readers in countries with an electoral process--when the time comes, show the statistics that anime fans get out and do civic duties, too.
Jul 19, 2004
Missed a bit there on account of the US Indepenence Day holiday, and my brother's wedding (congradulations!). From Animonster: SD Gundam Force,
Jun 28, 2004
New for today is another long review of an overreviewed series, Vision of Escaflowne, as well as a complete and extended re-write of the Vampire Princess Miyu review, one of the first we published. In reader reviews: from Animonster, a long pan of Dragon Ball GT and an unkind review of Witch Hunter Robin, plus a similarly unkind review of the same from Lacker, and a quick little review of the extremely popular (in Japan) Prince of Tennis, by Tosh.
Jun 21, 2004
Kicking off the week, as we will be doing sometime before Monday morning every week for the forseeable future (yes, back to a regular schedule of updates):
A relatively fresh (if slightly too-long) review of the fun fantasy Rune Soldier Louie, as well as this week's review of an overreviewed classic, a very long one for Urusei Yatsura.
By way of reader reviews, we have Last Exile and Heat Guy J from Animonster (just getting started), and a succinct review of the oldie-but-goodie MADOX-01 by Duragon.
Jun 12, 2004
Back in business.
First off: Official reviews of K.O. Beast as well as a look at the first chunk of Haibane Renmei by Legion (a number of old reviews have been heavily revised as well, with more to follow). By way of reader reviews, we're just getting started today: King of Bandit Jing and an insulting shot at the obscure Fighting Foodons from Animagess; a glowing take on Millennium Actress from the M-Man; and an extensive and very positive 2nd opinion of Record of Lodoss War by Chainclaw.
It's been a long time since our last update, but the drought is hopefully over. Expect many, many new reader reviews in the near future, as well as several new official reviews, and improvements to several existing features.
We also owe many of the people who have submitted reader reviews over the years an apology; I have recently identified a problem with our system for cataloging incoming reviews that caused several to slip through the cracks. As such, we'll be catching up over the next few weeks, including a few reviews submitted well over a year ago.
Finally, you might notice at the right that the date is in a different format. This is the start of some sitewide changes to more appropriately reflect our international readership (or what's left of it after such a long lull in updates)--rather than using US-standard date fomat, we are switching to ISO YYYY-MM-DD format, which will hopefully be less confusing for everybody. All dates will be converted eventually.
Apr 01, 2004
Shortly after returning from Japan, our editorial staff was abducted by a somewhat incompetent alien strike team intent on using our massive intellectual prowess to retrieve a buddy's spaceship from Area 51, where it got towed when he left it parked in the middle of a highway after becoming distracted by a peculiarly friendly armadillo. Needless to say the retrieval attempt didn't go well, and... you're not buying this, are you. Seriously, we're finally back in the groove, and regular updates will resume shortly.
Unfortunately, "I've got a case of writer's block this big, and it's screaming for... whatever cures writer's block." Fortunately, the same is not true of the other fine people who submit reviews. Therefore, enjoy: From Arcane, mini-reviews of Ai Yori Aoshi, Card Captor Sakura, and Full Metal Panic. There will be a pile of long-overdue reader reviews added shortly, from Animonster, Animagess, and others who've submitted things during the downtime, as well as some other juicy new material.
To go with those, here are some hard-fought and not particularly good official reviews: a bloated attempt to write about the facinating-but-little-known Strange Dawn, and a review of the forgettable Riding Bean.