2002 What's New
Dec 31, 2002
Longer than expected hiatus, but we're back. Some fun pictures and other info from Japan will be posted shortly, but for the last hours of the year we've got new reviews: one brought back from Japan, so to speak, of Tenchi Muyo: GXP, plus the less well known Nightwalker. Also new are two extensive reader reviews: Berserk, by Angelo Zampogna, and G Gundam, by Animonster.
I'd also like to take a moment to wish all our readers around the world a happy and peaceful new year. 2003 will be bringing a few new and interesting things to AAW, but you'll have to come back after the first for a list of teasers.
Oct 24, 2002
Due to an editorial trip to Japan, things will be silent here for the next three weeks--not that things are updated frequently anyway, but I won't be around to answer mail or fix anything. Not wanting to leave without a parting gift, there is an unfortunately unpolished review of Angel Sanctuary to see--it'll be cleaned up when I return.
Oct 21, 2002
New for today is a less-than-glowing review of Vampire Wars, from Legion.
Oct 01, 2002
As promised, a new Japanese lesson posted today, winding up Lesson 2.
Sep 27, 2002
Another new review, this time of the unremarkable Gundress, as well as a nice reader review of the first Fushigi Yuugi OAV series. There's also a thorough review of the full Trigun series by Makosuke, to suppliment Legion's comments on the first few episodes. Finally, check out a new Japanese lesson, with two more to follow within the next couple of days.
Sep 16, 2002
Sometimes the lulls tend to bunch up. But, we're making up for that en force. First, an extensive 2nd opinion by Arcane (a fan of the series) of Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture. Second, Arcane's extensive review of the Megazone 23, pt. III OST, and as if that weren't enough, Legion also has several touch ups to his review of Phantom Quest Corps.
Still not satisfied? Fine, we've got 5, count 'em, 5 new reviews from Corrupt Phantasy, a hard-working reader reviewer: the Love Hina TV Series, the Love Hina Again OAVs, Sailor Moon R Movie, along with the ever-popular Chobits, and the seriously weird-sounding Ebichu The Housekeeping Hamster.
Stil not enough? Ok, how about that overdue review of the Studio ArtFX indipendent production Shadowskin, by Makosuke. And if that doesn't do it, there'll be two more short reviews posted before the end of the day. And another Japanese lesson in the next few days. Enough for ya?
Oho, yet more reviews to go with that big heap o' stuff posted last night: The utterly insane Excel Saga, and the semi-insane but utterly bad Don't Leave Me Alone Daisy. That's a grand total of 3 full anime reviews, one huge second opinion, one revised review, one CD review, 5 reader reviews, and a few minor updates that I'm not even going to bother mentioning, all in one day. Oh, and we also cleaned out a bunch of dead links from the links section.
Aug 13, 2002
First, we've got a long new review of the indie short Understanding Chaos. Second, we've got a brand new feature: Japanese Lessons (the real thing, and more will be added).
Jul 31, 2002
It's the not-too distant future. As such, we've got two new reviews: Boogiepop Phantom, and an independant production, D7 Peacemaker. More reviews are on the way, including the two indie productions from Studio ArtFX.
Jul 13, 2002
For those who might have been worrying that the recent addition of some peripheral reviews here are going to dilute our anime coverage, don't. Anime reviews are our main focus, and that's not going to change. To that end, we've got new reviews of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and The Adventures of Mini Goddess, with at least a couple more to come in the not-too distant future.
Jun 30, 2002
Our first game review, of Sword of the Beserk: Guts' Rage for Dreamcast, by Arcane. Also, Arcane's second opinion take on Art of Fighting.
Jun 24, 2002
New feature today: Reviews of stuff that isn't quite anime, but is related. We're starting out with a review of the Akira Original Soundtrack by Arcane, but expect to see more soon.
Jun 16, 2002
Bad news for the readers who use our animeworld.org e-mail service; Bigmailbox.com, the company who handled the free e-mail, is eliminating their ad-supported accounts, and since we can't afford to pay to keep the service running, we have no choice but to give it up. Accounts should remain active until 7/08/02, so you have a few more weeks left. We do have a sort-of alternative if you're actively using your animeworld.org e-mail address; look in your inbox for a message with more info.
For everybody else, the transition/addition/cleaning of links continutes. We're also taking the opportunity to clean up some of the older review pages here and there--nothing major, but lots of tidying.
Jun 13, 2002
The transition to the new links system continues, including lots of new links and a lot less dead ones. Also a few assorted review touch-ups, including an update to Legion's review of Sin: The Movie, which now covers the Japanese version as well.
Jun 06, 2002
Ok, the hiatus is over. First off there are 5, count em', 5 new reviews, all with full casts: Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland, by Legion, Labyrinth of Flames, Harlock Saga, and relatively short takes on Maetel Legend and the way-old The Humanoid. Next, there are touch-ups added to about a half dozen assorted other revews, including Metropolis.
And for the grand finale, a feature that isn't quite finished yet (it's kind of a preview) but we're rolling out anyway: Links! Yes, I know we already had a links section... but this one, thanks to the cool folks at Gossamer Threads, has a snazzy back-end that makes adding new links much, much easier, and checking for and removing dead links nearly automatic. This means that not only will new links be added in a timely fashion, but the links will actually work for a change! The look and feel isn't finalized, and we're only about a third of the way through re-checking the existing links and adding two years(!) worth of backlogged submissions, but go ahead and have a look at the 300 working links already added (including over 80 Dragonball sites), and submit your own if it's not listed yet.
May 31, 2002
No, we're still here, and still kicking. The reason it's been so quiet is that there's a semi-cool, semi-new feature on the way, but these things take time. Look for plenty of new stuff soon.
May 07, 2002
Sorry for the lack of recent updates--it's the end of the school year. That said, new for today is a lengthy first-shot review of Metropolis.
Apr 13, 2002
A new review today of the cheesy Black Lion, and an editorial on The Changing Fanweb.
Apr 09, 2002
Whoops... updates have been delayed due to a technical issue that necessatitated a sudden under-the-hood change to the forums, but they're now faster and hopefully a bit sharper looking as a result. New for today is a 2nd opinion of 3X3 Eyes by Arcane.
Mar 31, 2002
Happy Easter to those readers who celebrate the holiday! There are several minor updates scattered about, and look for some more major additions tomorrow or the day after.
Mar 20, 2002
A bit later than expected due to another minor technical glitch, but new today is Makosuke's take on the Vampire Princess Miyu TV series. This also introduces a new feature--2nd opinions by the official reviewrs, for people who want to be absolutely sure. There should be more appearing soon...
Mar 18, 2002
Sorry about the brief downtime earlier today, but we've now got a first look at the new (to US DVD) series GTO. Look for Makosuke's take on the Vampire Princess Miyu TV series, and hopefully a review of the new Vampire Hunter D movie, tomorrow.
Feb 25, 2002
New today is a first look at Gokudo, but more notably is a revised and expanded (read: massive) Dragon Ball Z TV Series review from Legion. It's worth a look not just to see his take on the ubiquitous series, but also to see some seriously obsessive DVD notes.
Feb 10, 2002
Back from an unscheduled hiatus due to that thing called life sneaking up on me. Updates resume now, starting with a long overdue posting of a first look at Angelic Layer by Arcane (sorry, Arcane!). There are also several minor updates scattered about, and more new reviews to come soon.
Jan 03, 2002
Now that the new year is well underway (that's supposed to be a joke), I'd like to take a moment to look back, and to say "thank you" to you for being a reader. Though the technical anniversary of AAW is debatable, the beginning of 1999 essentially marks the birth of AAW as it is now, making this site 3 years old. During that three years we've seen about 1.6 million visits (a mark we passed mere minutes ago), served over 10 million pages, gathered two new official reviewers and the work of a lot more talented unofficial ones, and despite the loss of the image galleries to being too popular, we now feature over 200 reviews, 600 pages of anime info, forums, and a chatroom. I want to personally say thank you to everybody who has visited us over the years. Oh, and by the way, in thanks to you I'll promise that unlike a lot of other sites, AAW is going to be here for a long time to come.
On an entirely seperate note, new for today are a review by Makosuke of Nazca, and a long first look at the Vampire Princess Miyu TV series by Arcane. There are also some updates to Legion's review of Key: The Metal Idol that were posted a while ago but I neglected to mention.
Jan 01, 2002
Happy New Year! I hope you and yours had a Merry Holiday Season. A bit of a holiday hiatus, but we're back in 2K2 with a huge, detailed review of the Rurouni Kenshin OAVs by Arcane and review of the much lighter Elf Princess Rane by Makosuke. Also new is a translation of several of the dialouge tracks from the 2nd Trigun soundtrack, for those wondering what everybody's saying. Then, on an even lighter note Makosuke's put together a collection of humorous anecdotes about Japan for people interested in that sort of thing. There are also a number of new links added and old ones cleaned out, plus a number of review tweaks among the dozens of minor updates all over the site, including some additions to the Fansite Tutorial. Finally, last year's "what's new" has (almost) all been bumped off the main page. Even more to come soon.